Listography: Top Five Products I Can't Live Without

On a materialistic note here, Kate wants to know which items in our life are so invaluable that we'd fall apart without them. I've got quite a few and only choosing five is really tricky (as The Boy would say).

  1. Make-up: No it's not because I am vain. It is because I am self-conscious of my skin. And you can say, "don't wear it and then your skin would be better," but you'd be wrong. I'm very pale and scar easily, so the chickenpox which I had when I was 19, and the horrendous hormone-propelled zits since The Boy have left a toll on my skin. Foundation, lippy and mascara give me the confidence to face the world.
  2. My Smartphone: I've got a HTC Desire, none of this fruity nonsense for me; I'm an Android girl! I cannot believe how much easier it has made my life; more organised, able to access e-mails, the Internet, take photos and videos of The Boy. And we mustn't forget Angry Birds.
  3. My car: I am not lazy, I actually like driving. I enjoy being in the driver's seat and focusing on all the different challenges, my car is my now second pride and joy.
  4. Canon EOS 300D SLR: The quality of photographs from it never fail to astound me. I've had it for seven years now and I absolutely adore it.
  5. Chocolate! Nuff said.

Now pop over and see the other entries using that little notepad widget in the sidebar. Ta!

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  1. jennie says

    I have the same phone but cannot get on with it at all! I do not wear make up, too lazy! I can't survive without chocs but am trying to do without at the moment in a bid to fit into my wedding dress come September! I really really really want a decent camera x

  2. says

    Yes I like all these choices. I too have suffered the hormone skin destroyers so feel your pain. But even without them make up is a must! Just finishing up a bar of Green and Blacks Butterscotch as I type – yu-um!

  3. says

    Oh I think makeup really affects how you feel, just like your clothes!

    Fruity nonsense, lol! Ah I'm an Apple girl through and through!

    Agree with the camera too, I just need to learn how to make the most out if ours! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. says

    I really should join in with this linky I always love reading yours! Have been contemplating a HTCDesire myself? Chocolate, I wish I could live without it but I can't. Make-up, hmmm take it or leave it. I definitely look better with it but I never remember/have time to put it on! Definitely couldn't be without my car!!

  5. Sarah Mac says

    Hmmm, now I want chocolate. I actually NEED milk as I've completely run out but I was willing to forego my morning cuppa and the children's cereal because it's dark and late and I don't want to go out. But I might just go for chocolate. I think that might say quite a lot about me as a mother ….

    I should have read your list before answering your comment on mine, apologies, I am still shallow you are far less so.

  6. says

    I think I need to get myself a camera now that I'm getting more involved in those sort of blogs. Certainly they appear on many lists! I'm with you on the chocolate & make-up!

  7. says

    hmmm Angry Birds is somethng I've managed to resist so far, but every now and then I feel the app store calling as I've heard it's a bit good. Tempted again now.

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