I've mentioned before that I think that The Boy is pretty much ready to start potty-training. All the tell-tale signs are there; he tells us when he has soiled, or recently just before he is about to, the nappies are more and more dry in between changes, he is very happy to always perform one way or another on the potty. However, as unfair as it sounds; he's just going to have to wait for various reasons. Mainly I want to try and get it done in a week, and the best time for me to do that is in the summer holidays straight after we've come back from a week away.
We've already got one 'throne' style potty, and a travel potty but not a 'traditional' style potty. This is mainly because I am sceptical of them; I think that they are better suited to girls rather than boys. However, the lovely mummies that are Jenny and Emma asked me to review that very style of potty for them for their fabulous 'Going Potty' potty-training carnival. Now who am I to refuse such lovely ladies, so of course I accepted.
Last week, I received a Pourty Potty through the post and I'll be honest, my scepticism remained intact. My theory behind the uncertainty of them lay with the fact that I didn't think that there would be very much room for a little boy's 'equipment' when actually in use, and that he may have had difficulty balancing on it, as he had with another potty. I was quite stubborn in my view.
That is until The Boy sat down on it.
The Pourty stands higher than the average 'traditional' style potty, and has quite a large 'seat' area. The back comes up to allow a rest for the child, which The Boy found really comfortable and the splash-guard at the front is quite high in order to prevent accidental tinkles. So, that's put pay to my first concern about the potty. In fact, there is loads of space which enabled The Boy to actually check what he was doing. Because the Pourty is slightly higher, he sits really well with his knees bent comfortably and at a good angle to help him to balance.
Scepticism squashed.
Now this is what is the big difference with a Pourty, and the reason for its name. It has a channel cut out of the back to enable you to pour the contents down the toilet. And, because we don't want to get icky hands whilst doing this, they have put a handle at the front underneath the splash-guard. Seriously, how clever it that?
The only thing that I would say about the potty is, and this is what The Boy does, not all children may do the same, he has a tendency to hold on to the splash-guard as he thinks it's a handle. I need to keep reminding him at the moment, it is early days after all, to put his hands on his knees. Like I said, it's a minor thing and that's my child, not all children.
I was very pleasantly surprised by the Pourty potty, and am very happy to have my mind changed for me by an innovative potty. Such simple alterations make all the difference to the world of a toddler who is undergoing a massive task. This is why the Pourty has won Best New Product 2010/11 from Practical Parenting Magazine and is currently one of the best selling potties on Amazon!
The best judge of it though is The Boy: he has now abandoned his throne potty for this one! When given a choice, he sits on it every time before his other one, even when he's still got his nappy on!
InceyWinceyMummy says
The pourty is such a simple design, I wonder why nobody came up with it sooner. Emptying a traditional potty is so messy.
Jenny Paulin says
What a brilliant review! I have to admit that after reading Incey Wincey Mummy's review I was set on getting B one of the rewards singing potty, but then this pourty potty looks and sounds good too. The way it pours out the contents is so ingenious and being higher of the ground is so much better too. Hmmmm now I am not sure, msybe I need one of each?!
Thanks for doing this and linking up to Going Potty, and I love the photos of the boy on the potty hee hee xx
Ramblings says
I loved the Pourty too! I was really surprised by how good it was.
Amanda @gidders1 says
Really interesting reading! I've only ever used the traditional ones, my eldest Potty trained in a week, and that's all we seemed to need, love the design of this one, traditional with added bonus! Like it x