"Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes" Wii (Review)

As a departure from the normal films that we are sent from Warner Bros. to review, we were recently sent a Lego Batman package in order to review the newly released Lego Batman 2 on Wii. Inside the box was a copy of the game, alongside a selection of Lego Batman themed goodies to keep The Boy amused.

However, while The Boy is busy pretending to be the caped crusader and playing with his first ever Lego, it's over to Mr. TBaM for the actual game review:

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (to give it its full title) is the latest in a long line of LEGO console games, and features a whole host of Warner Brothers characters – not just Batman, Robin and all their baddies, but even Lex Luthor and Superman himself.

We were fortunate enough to be sent the Wii version of LB2, and from the start two things were obvious: firstly, due to its '7' PEGI rating this is not a game for The Boy, this is definitely Daddy's plaything; and secondly a lot of time had been taken making sure that the game impressed from the outset.

The scale of the game is simply immense. Starting out chasing after the Joker after he interrupted the Man of the Year awards, and then reducing numerous other villains along the way into their constituent blocks, you are taken out into Gotham City and then the wider world.

The gameplay can be confusing initially, especially for somebody new to the LEGO genre, and good coordination is definitely  needed as the Wii version requires both the Wii remote and the nunchuck controller. The graphics also suffer slightly in comparison to the PS3 and Xbox versions simply due to the greater graphical capabilities of the latter consoles.

The positives far outweigh these minor niggles, though. The game is fast-moving and the challenges of each section are so different that there's no danger of boredom through having to simply follow sets of repetitive moves. With a reported minimum of eight hours just to reach the end of the game – and countless more in finding all the hidden elements – this is certainly a value-for-money investment as the long and potentially waterlogged Summer break approaches.

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes is available to buy for the Wii from Game for £23.99

We were sent this game for the purpose of this review, all opinions are honest and unbiased.

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