366 #52

And then there were…


In the last week of project 366, how many of us are still going?

A year ago, people began asking me if I was going to be doing my project 365 again. Between the period of Christmas and New Year's Eve, I had conversations with about fifteen different bloggers who expressed an interest in joining in on the project; that's when the idea came about to run a weekly linky. My only ambition for it would be to provide support to those completing the photo project as it had felt a very lonely task to undertake at times by myself.

In the weekly linky, bloggers would choose their favourite photo  of the previous week and link it up. They would then visit a selection of the other linked-up photos and comment on them, to help bolster the morale of that 366 photographer. Support through commenting was always the aim of the linky.

We started not with the 15 anticipated bloggers, but 366 #1 saw 83 people join in. 83! I was shocked, overwhelmed and so pleased to see others joining in. The linky peaked in week 4 with 89 bloggers taking part, before slowly trickling down to a steady 30-odd in the past few months.

It's a hard project to undertake and I'm proud of every single person who's managed to see it through. I'll be honest that I'm really surprised by some who dropped out, not disappointed you understand, just surprised. I also did battle earlier in the year with someone (not in the community) who had delusions of grandeur and accused the people doing the project of demeaning the art of photography. Knob!

Yes, there have been days where we've taken a photograph for the sake of it just so we haven't missed a day. However, I know that I have taken some truly beautiful photographs of my son this year, and captured moments that I may have otherwise ignored. Most days I just snap away, but I know that when I try hard and I take into consideration composition and lighting then I can actually manage to take a technically good photograph. And I've seen so many of the other '366-ers' grow in their ability to take a photograph, and it makes me smile.

Although the primary aim of the linky was commenting, I have found it a joy to be allowed to peak into your lives each week. To see pregnancies develop and babies be born, to be in awe of newborn babies who have taken their first steps, to witness toddlers learn new skills and become their own people. I've visited countries without leaving the sofa and seen daily life from all over the globe. For that I thank you for including me.

So it leaves me to say, for one last time on this year's project:

You know the drill, join in with your favourite photograph of the week and show some comment love to everyone else in the community.

  1. Choose your favourite photo from the past week and link it up below.
  2. Please add the badge to your linked-up post so that other people know how to find all the other fabulous entries.
  3. If you can spare five minutes to comment on just a few other entries I know they'd appreciate it!
ShowOff ShowCase

And will the linky be back next week?

You bet'cha it will!

(My own project will only be posted once a week as a collage, I've lost the will to live posting daily after two years!)

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  1. says

    I don;t blame you for switching to a weekly collage and the fact that you've been doing this for two years and are planning on doing another is just awesome. I am bowing out but thank you for the linky and the constant support and encouragement: doing 366 has made me take so many more pictures of our daily life and catalogue them for the girls to see. It's been an inspiration but I think I am keen to put myself under slightly less pressure now that I have formed the habit of taking a camera everywhere!

  2. says

    So glad to hear you are continuing with the linky. I know I only did the 52 not the 366 anyway but it certainly kept me going and I will do my best to join in again next year. Thank you for doing the linky and even battling for us (didn't realise you had done this!) Happy New Year!

  3. says

    Thank you for being there because I'm sure without this linky I would have faltered somewhere along the way.
    And I am definitely continuing next year, because like you, I have captured some lovely moments and wouldn't have otherwise.
    Happy New Year x

  4. says

    Can't believe we have finally completed the year, so proud of everyone. Thank you TBAM for hosting the linky its definitely kept me going knowing I need to do this every Sunday. I was thinking of giving up but I just can't. I am ready to start the New Year. Happy New Year xx

  5. Tammy says

    Do u have to be a blogger to join in I'm not a blogger my daily life is not interesting enough for that but would live to take part in the 365 project

  6. says

    Hiya, I'm thinking of maybe trying this with you in the New Year, would the new one be a weekly post then? I don't think I'd have a chance to get on daily but could do collages each week

    Thanks x

  7. says

    I was another that never thought I would last much more than a week at it, I was not a photographer in the true sense of the word, but just an ordinary person that so happened to win a camera at the end of december and thought it would be fun – and it has been.
    I have looked at my part of the world differently, shared my part of the world with you all and been happy to view other peoples parts of the world. A couple of people live localish to me and travel round areas I know and its nice to see other peoples views of my world.
    Its been fab watching other peoples children grow and develop, pick up other ideas and learn some new techniques.
    My thanks also go to Mrs TBAM for being so positive and encouraging not only to myself but to all the rest of you.
    May I wish you all a happy and wonderful 2013 and look forward to adding my 52 in with everybody elses.

  8. says

    Thanks so much for this amazing link! It has been such a brilliant project and I can't wait to start again next year – I mean Tuesday!

    Can't blame you for only posting once a week – that's what I do too! It definitely makes it more manageable.

    See you next week!

  9. says

    Wow, I can really hardly believe I've made it to (almost) the end!! Will there be another linky for everyone's final pic tomorrow??!
    Thanks so much TBAM for keeping us all going. You are very strong, and take the best pictures! I've loved looking at others' pics even when I haven't had time to comment. Off now to make a special effort on the comments front though – well done everyone!!

  10. says

    Wow! Twenty four people linked up so far. That's a great group of bloggers who have stuck with it. Congratulations to everyone!! Now I'm gonna go over and stalk your photos. Happy new year to you all.

  11. says

    Congratulations all.
    I was gutted to drop out but buying, moving and doing up the house was just too much.
    Look forward to joining you again next year and thank you for hosting.
    Happy new year.

  12. says

    Congratulations to all of you completing your 366 and especially TBAM on your…ummm…731! Giving up on my 366 in March was a real personal disappointment but I'm determined to complete my 365 on Hallowe' en next year. Looking forward to seeing your collages from next week.

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