A Change Is Coming

When did my little boy become old enough to start school?

Because it appears that in September, he will be doing just that.

And I'm not ready.

I'd like to pretend that he's not ready but that would be a lie. He is ready. He's ready to have the further stimulation which a trained Reception teacher can offer (I'm juniors trained). He's ready to mix with other children more regularly and make friends. He's ready to learn more formally (not that much more though, thank you Foundation Phase). He's ready to learn the discipline which can only be gained in a classroom.

He's ready.

Don't get me wrong though, he's still very emotionally young and I do think he will struggle with the full days and being away from us for so many hours. However, as the school only has one opportunity in the year for entry, we have little choice but for him to start in September or wait a year.

This is why we accompanied him into his new school a week ago for his induction into Reception. It's the only time that he's been there, and will be the only opportunity before he starts full-time education for the next fourteen years (just writing that is making me cry, he's so little still!). I do have a problem with the lack of link-building, but again can do nothing about it.

We walked down the road, around the corner and into the school. We were greeted, given name stickers (mine said 'Mum', I felt like scribbling 'my' on the end of it), and shown to the Reception class. This is where I discovered that it is a lot larger than the one block that I knew of from when I had a nursery-nursing placement there; in fact they had another building at the back of this with a covered courtyard in between. They had a gardening area, bikes and trikes to ride along the painted road layout on the ground, a small timber trail, climbing frames and a fenced off area. There was so much to explore.

Reception induction

The Boy was completely enthralled with it all, "Mummy! They have glitter and glue! Shall we do some craft? Oh look mummy there's Shopping List! Mummy shall we play some music?" I have no doubt that he will enjoy playing with the other thirty six children, cared for by the two teachers and two LSAs; all seemed caring and 'on the ball'.

We walked home afterwards holding hands with The Boy, him chatting about the activities and his uniform, declaring that he no longer wishes to go to nursery. I exchanged a look with my husband over our son's head, a look that said 'where has our baby gone?'. A look that shared nostalgia for the precious last four years of discovery where we have governed his routine, his learning, his play. A look that realised the days of freedom and nonconformity to a timetable were coming to an end.

A look that demanded one course of action…

Barry Island - Country Kids

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  1. says

    Oh my goodness I so know how your feel!! I was exactly the same with Bethany and the thought that Joshua will be there one day makes my tummy flip!!

    I think I was the worried one with Beth she settled fairly well quickly I think it was just my inability to let go that did it.

    Thanks for linking up with #magicmoments xxxx

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      I'm pretty sure he'll be fine, it's me that isn't! I'm also pretty sure that if I had a younger child as well then I wouldn't be as anxious.

  2. says

    Gorgeous post, it made me quite emotional. Bud is off to pre-school in September and we have the parents' meeting next week. I'm not ready at all but I know he will love it.

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      It seems like only yesterday that The Boy was preparing for pre-school; I remember sitting in the car sobbing into twitter and then sneaking back to peek through the porthole in the door to see if he was ok!

      Why do they have to grow so quickly?!

  3. says

    Crying reading this as it brings me back to the day Danny and I visited his first school. πŸ™

    I've been though it twice more and will have one more to go. It has been "different" with the girls as they haven't had the medical difficulties, but it never gets any easier.

    Good luck to you all! I know "the boy" is ready thanks to all you do with him and will LOVE school, but he'll also love the moments that he's home and "your boy" again.


    • TheBoyAndMe says

      Oh I'm sorry!

      I'm pretty sure that he will love it, and he's also very ready for the environment; I just feel 9-3.30 at 4 years old is too much. Do you know what I mean? I do think it will make me treasure our time together more though.


    Aww its always worse for the parents! He will love it – thats all you have to remember! xoxo

  5. says

    He is going to love big school, I can see him fitting in so well. I love the outdoor space and the possibilities this creates. Home times will become precious,a sharing of events together. Embrace the change because your beautiful Boy is going to and there will still be after school for the beach just as we do.

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      I think home times will be precious too; I'm determined that I will 'do' something with him 1:1 when we get home to have that quality time.

  6. says

    as you told me, he will benefit from going to school hugely as he is a clever boy and you have nurtured him very well. i feel emotional now having read this and i have Burton's final induction tomorrow until sept when he has to start properly. that will fly by now wont it? must make the msot of the next 11 weeks or so.
    love the footprints in the sand photo x x
    we will be fine *sobs inside* x x

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      See?! I told you that you'd have to remind me of all of this!

      |I love that photo too, might print it out and frame it.

  7. says

    I'm there with you – our induction is next Thursday although there's a parents-only meeting tomorrow night. H is going to be the youngest in her year I'm sure, and I have the fear… Big tme!

    Good luck to the boy!

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      It's just such a daunting time, and I think if it was just the concept of starting in Reception then I'd be fine. However, it's knowing that this is the first step to becoming an independent person; I see the next fourteen years whizzing by and before I know it he's an adult!


  8. says

    You've made me well-up too! My son started last September, a week after his 4th birthday, which meant he did his three school visits when he was only 3. I was emotionally traumatised but he absolutely loved it from day one and has done brilliantly. Good luck with the transition. x

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      I'm sorry! Oh gosh, that's ever so young to start, isn't it? Glad he's settled well and thanks for the comment.

  9. says

    Oh how I recognise all that you say! My little girl started school when she was just 4 and I found it really hard. Everything you describe resonates with me so much, even today when my daughter's about to go into KS2. I'm not looking forward to my youngest starting nursery at all, even though he will be totally ready for it by then. That letting go bit is tough isn't it.

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      It's horrible! I think I might need some therapy come the beginning of September!

      Thanks for commenting.

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      I'm keeping my fingers crossed as well. I just remember seeing him in a class-type situation two months ago and he crumpled with the scariness of it and clamped on sobbing; it's going to be a hard lesson when he realises that I'm not there all the time.

  10. says

    Hugs lovely.
    I'm worried enough about pre-school so school must be a huge step. I am sure he will thrive and you will be incredibly proud of him, but that doesn't make it any easier. I'll be thinking of you in September. x

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      I'm sure he will, he is very little though. I wish we'd adopted the Scandinavian philosophy of not starting until six or seven.

  11. Mischievous Mum says

    This brought a tear to my eye, I'm feeling exactly the same about T starting preschool in October. I know he'll love it, I know I've raised him to be confident and secure and he won't bat an eyelid that I'm not there. But he has to stay at school till he's 18! Why do they need to take him from me now? He's mine, MINE! I don't want to share his wonderfulness! But I know I have to πŸ™ *huge hugs*

  12. says

    You've got a beach near by? How wonderful. I can so relate as Aaron is in nursery from September and I soon have to apply for schools for next year πŸ™
    Liska xx

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      We do indeed, that beach is Barry Island which we live very near to although our own town is also on the coast.

  13. says

    Oh god, I keep trying to make myself get forms for nursery and still not done it. I know it has to be done eventually but they do grow up so quickly. The Boy will love it and it will be a new era of stories and excitement for all of you. Sending you lots of hugs xx

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      They grow up so quickly; it seems like only yesterday I was debating him going to nursery and decided not to go for it and now he's starting school!

  14. Nicole @ Adonis Golden Review says

    I get the same feeling with my two young boys and often think how quickly they grow. They experience ups and downs just like we do but all that counts is that they feel secure and loved.
    School is scary is some ways but it's just a big adventure just like life is in general!!
    As parents we can just guide them and ensure make sure they know that we will be there for them all the way…

  15. says

    They grow so fast it's hard to keep up with them. I'm so glad it was a positive visit for him and it sounds like he is excited and looking forward to it. The beach looked like amazing fun too πŸ™‚ There will still be lots of time for that too hopefully!

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      He is really looking forward to it, and I know he'll love it. I will be an emotional wreck on the other hand. I do hope we'll still go off and have our adventures together, it's just creating a new timetable of school, fun, tea, play and bedtime!

  16. says

    Awwww, it's a big change isn't it?

    It's a bit different for S as she sees her school everyday when we take Z, but she too declared that she no longer wanted to to go to nursery. She even put her uniform on yesterday and made me buy a book bag. πŸ™

    Where did my baby girl go? xxxx

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      It's an enormous change, one I really wasn't prepared to be so emotional. They grow up so quickly and I wasn't really expecting it to have happened so fast.

  17. says

    I kmow just how you feel Buster finished his nursery/preschool today and will start year 1 on the 2nd September.
    Today we said goodbye to the nursery that I went to and the teacher who taught me and my children.

  18. says

    I know exactly what you mean, Meg starts school in September and although I KNOW she is ready for the extra stimulation, my heart just isn't in the same place yet and I am fighting the urge to keep her home for another year. It's hard to think that this is it for the next 14 years of their little lives. I'm holding on to the hope that she will be so enthusiastic about it in September, it will change my perspective!!

  19. says

    I can't believe our baby's are going to school. The Boy will be amazing, he'll love it, he's had the best mum ever helping him along the way & will be there every step of the way x

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