Days 251-257 of Project 365

251-257 of 365

251. Reach (A game of frisbee always causes much hilarity and shrieks of laughter. The lawn at Dyffryn Gardens is also a wonderfully sunny place to play it on a lazy Sunday afternoon.)

252. Catch (Trip to the nature reserve after school in order to feed the swans. I took better photos of The Boy feeding the swans, but I love his stance on this one.)

253. Trumpet (He's desperate to learn how to blow a blade of grass like a trumpet, so is Mr. TBaM. In The Boy's case I don't think he has the physical development in his thumbs yet, there's no gap between his joints, so it'll be a few years yet.)

254. Exhaustion (He is so tired every evening, he zonks out at 7.30 and wakes at around 7-7.30 the next morning.)

255. Rise (We got the bread machine out as I'd forgotten to buy bread in the shop. The irony is that we had no milk powder and the flour was heavily out of date, so my husband had to go and buy some from the shop! The Boy put everything into the machine and was fascinated to see it mixing and rising. He went to bed and half an hour later, the machine tripped the electrics twice in two minutes, as well as smelling of burning. Guess who had to go to the shop to buy a tin loaf of bread to make it look like it had worked for The Boy?)

256.Β Treasure (It poured down for most of the day, so once The Boy has recovered from school we went sploshing with wellies and looking for conkers. They don't look remotely ready to drop, which I'm sure is later than last year? I managed to knock a couple down from a tree but they were still white. We found one conker shell on the ground which had started to open and The Boy was ecstatic to see his first conker of 2013.)

257. Sorting (We've had a very quiet day today, settling into the new routine of doing very little on a Saturday to give The Boy time to recover from his week. He asked to play with the waterbeads and then decided to do some colour sorting with teaspoons once they'd swollen. )

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  1. says

    Sounds like a fun week. My 2 are always exhausted by the time Friday comes around which makes the weekend even more special spending time just chilling and having fun together. Love the frisbee shot!

  2. says

    do you know what? seeing allk these photos you would never guess that the Boy is at school! you have done so well to keep him going after school which must tire him out in itself, especially without his naps! well done him and you. i love the frisbee pic of him in his shorts, the movement in the bird feeding and his little hnads in the grass blowing. really magical photos x

  3. says

    When Aly started school for the first time she was so tired for the first term.

    My favourite is the Treasure photo, we are also glad Autumn is arriving.

    Have a brilliant weekend

  4. says

    Lovely pictures, it's amazing how the start of the week was warm enough for Shorts and dresses in our case but then Wellie's and coats were needed by the end. The colour sorting looks fun & love the blade of grass one. Can't believe he's at school now x

  5. says

    Looks like you've still managed to have lots of fun together despite the Boy starting school. Hope you are both getting on ok with the big change.

    I'm a bit envious of the conker hunting, not so much the rain though even though I'm looking forward to a temperature drop now!

  6. says

    we have had a few rainy days here as well. We are no good a throwing a Frisbee ( IM sure all the ones we buy must be the wrong shape…lol) but piggy in the middle always starts with laughter and ends with tears from Bon.
    A chill day is a great idea, Im sure children these days have so much after school/weekend stuff thrown into their life that they will burn out as young adults as nobody is teaching them to sit and chillax.

  7. says

    H loves looking in our breadmaker too. We make a simple loaf with just four ingredients: water, yeast, salt and flour. I've never tried baking with milk powder so that sounds intriguing.

  8. says

    Oooo you found conkers – we must go out and look for some.
    I adore the picture with the frisbee and did he manage the grass trumpet……I am still trying with Isaac?

  9. says

    It sounds like the first week went well although sounds so so tiring with such a big change. Hope next week is a bit easier for you. I read all the bread making episode on twitter but missed the bit about the electrics tripping…noooo!

  10. says

    Great photos – as always! Wouldnt expect anything less to be honest with that new camera of yours πŸ™‚

    Looks like fun… I am looking forward to having frisbee fun and making the most out of the time you get with the little ones

  11. says

    Funny how the weather changed in a week. Starts with the Boy leaping for the frisbee and ends with him gathering a conker in the rain. He looks so proud of it too!

  12. says

    Beautiful pictures as usual…Love the frisbee one! I keep thinking to get a bread maker…but knowing me it would just sit in the back of the cupboard!

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