Days 258 – 264 of Project 365

258-264 of 365

258. Water (The Boy has only just started being able to cope with water on his face in the bath or shower, today he asked if he could lay back in it and found it hilarious. I just hope this isn't the start of his constant ear infections and glue ear in Winter!)

259. Pennies (The Boy asked if he could count money when he came in from school, so we got down the large Whisky jar and he sorted 1p, 2p and 5p coins into piles before counting the pennies into piles of ten.)

260. Mirror (I set up an invitation to play for The Boy when he came home from school, which he found really therapeutic. The mirror on the table gave a wonderful light for playing in, really illuminating his face. He only once noticed himself in it, and the delight on his face was brilliant.)

261. Sparko (It's Wednesday. That means a sleeping Boy photo. I can never have enough of these so it's ok by me!)

262. Splash (An after-school trip to the local nature reserve to feed the swans, and splash in puddles in new wellies. Only the wellies were too big and then soon fell off when The Boy tried kicking water from the puddle!)

263. A Drop In The Ocean (Rather than go to the MADs in London, I chose to stay at home with my family, for various reasons. I didn't want to sit at home and while away the evening on twitter, so we went for a chippy dinner down the beach before nan babysat The Boy, and I went out to the cinema with my husband. This photo of my thoughtful little boy was taken on the steps down to the beach with the rapidly rising tide approaching. The awards are just one night and a minor moment, when compared with the rest of our lives and The Boy's happiness.)

264. Bare (I've felt groggy all day, like the morning after but without the night before. I didn't sleep well because I was beating myself having not won the MADs again, which I now realise is completely ridiculous; it's just a lump of glass! However, after hanging around all morning for a new class-mate's birthday party, we then went to practise bike-riding in the park. As we cycled around, we found an enormous horse chestnut tree ladened with conkers, which were dropping from it rapidly. When I say the conkers were dropping, I don't mean the cases with conkers in; I actually mean the conkers. There was a squirrel sat at the top, having a feast in the canopy as he ripped open the cases and threw them down, stripped the conkers and dropped the remnants too. Luckily The Boy still had his cycle helmet on as he had a few drop on his head!)

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  1. says

    Good news and big milestone about the water – little Z absolutely hates having water poured on his head. Makes hair washing really stressful some days and I have to be mean mummy sometimes by quickly doing it. Love the last photo too – really beautiful eyes!

  2. says

    I love the photo on the bike ride. Such a great look of curiousity.
    Who hasn't laiod awake all night annoyed/worried/insane about something which just seems so ridiculous in the morning light. It's a great blog and you don't need a lump of glass to prove that

  3. says

    Lovely to see he's getting so much outdoor play still despite being at school. I'm tempted to try your mirror play idea with H. Hoping to pick up some after school play ideas from you.

  4. says

    I absolutely adore the picture of him by the sea! Just lovely!!

    And I agree, family is more important than awards. (by the way, I reckon you should have won x)

  5. says

    I know I would have been disappointed too, but it's feeling disappointed that show you have passion! You inspire so many people every week and that is something to be super proud of! You know yourself, everyday we are all improving as photographers, keep doing what you are doing! ps sorry Foz but there's always next year, don't be disheartened just be consistent and that will be recognised. I am thrilled that a love of photography has brought us to be friends xx

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