
Last night I changed the header on my blog, ready for the Summer. As I always do when I change it, I had a little think back over all of those photos I've used on my blog and did some digging to find them all. I can't believe how the time has flown between December 2010 when I set up my blog and now, how small changes happen during the everyday moments and how quickly they turn into years.

TheBoyandMe headers

The Boy was just over one in the first blog header, taken on Chesil Beach in Dorset. I've tried to change the headers to reflect the seasons and his growth, but they are always on a pebble beach and always with my gorgeous son in them. What you don't see is how long they take to take, even though they're on my smartphone; the sun is rarely in the right place when I have the time to get to the beach, the tide is too high or too low, he's not in the mood, the sky isn't blue, the list goes on.

I've been quite quiet on my blog for the past few months, with good reason. Two cancers for close family members have had a massive impact on my time and priorities, school has been draining with an inspection, and it's been difficult to manage my time; something had to give. At first it was just the 365 project, which I've recently rejoined, but it has taken its toll on the blog in general. I may manage to regain my blogging mojo over the Summer holidays, but either way I'm not going to beat myself up about it any more.

Life is for living after all!

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  1. says

    Life is indeed for living, breaking from the expectation of constant blogging is never a bad thing. You now are your own boss again and can publish when you feel like it. Lovely new header, very clever how you have kept your theme but can keep changing it as the boy grows.

    Mich x

  2. says

    awwww they bring back some memories! you do have some lovely headers and look at how much he has grown.
    and i am so pleased with your more relaxed approach to blogging and life x x

  3. says

    It's a lovely idea having a header that's similar, but progresses as life moves on. Does make it hard when children aren't in the mood though. I've had a lot of that recently with things – sometimes you just need 5 minutes of compliance, but it doesn't always happen.

    Enjoy your summer hols and family time.

  4. says

    Absolutely it is for living and I'm sure things in your life lately have hit that message home to you. Bug hugs lovely, you have been through it and I hope you have a lovely restful summer.

  5. says

    Oh he has changed so much.I think I might follow suite and see how much my lot have grown up since I started blogging.Take care of yourself x

  6. says

    They are all such lovely photos. Don't beat yourself up over not posting. My Mother in law had cancer last year and I found I couldn't write my family posts. Unfortunately she passed away at Christmas but over the last couple of months I am writing more as I want to again xx

  7. says

    That is so true! I think if you start worrying about how many posts you are writing then it takes the fun out of blogging. Such lovely pictures. Really love the new one for your header.

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