
TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

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    • TheBoyAndMe says

      I didn't, *he* did πŸ˜‰ There's an app on the iPad called photobooth and it allows you to manipulate the photo to be taken, before doing so. There's a few different settings like a Hall of Mirrors, this was the kaleidoscope effect.

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      Isn't it just? This is on the iPad and he was fiddling with the different settings.

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      Isn't it just, he had great fun creating some really distorted and weirdy pictures.

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      A whole page of The Boy? Do you not think there's enough photos of him on here? πŸ˜‰

      Oh, you did say 'almost'!

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      You think that was creepy? You should have seen the ones which involved distorting his entire face like in a hall of mirrors!

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      It's an app on the iPad called photobooth. It allows you to distort the photo to be taken before taking it. Most of them are like Hall of Mirrors shots, but this is a kaleidoscope.

  1. says

    That looks great! I think there is a setting on son's camera that does this, I'll have to investigate as it looks much better than I thought it would πŸ™‚

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      It's cool isn't it? I'll admit to whacking on the Urbane filter on PicMonkey but that only puts the darkening around the outside edge.

    • TheBoyAndMe says

      It's an app on the iPad called Photobooth. One of the settings is for a kaleidoscope effect. Cool isn't it?