This past year has been a whirl-wind of fun and chaos and all thanks to eleven little letters contained in four words:
The Boy and Me
Not only is this site a place with photos and reviews and competitions, but it's also our lives: the lives of my son, my husband and me. It's been a year of change and adjustment, fun and games, tears and therapy. There are people who read my blog, who comment and have become friends in real life, which is something that I would never have imagined when I penned my first tentative post. Thank you to everyone who reads about my little corner of the world, I really appreciate every single read and comment.
Here's my 2011!
The start of the year saw me pondering the loss of the technology in our home.
I confessed one of my deepest darkest secrets to anyone who wanted to read it. Oh the shame, my cheeks are still burning!
We decided that the cold was for wimps and got busy with a few meters of plastic tubing and a watering can.
An egg-citing trail around the garden lead to much consumption of cocoa.
Finally, 17 years after completing my GCSEs, I gained an 'ology!
The Boy celebrated his 2nd birthday.
With the sun beating down on us on one of the hottest weekends of the Summer, we decided to spend it going to a chocolate factory, meeting other bloggers and going on safari!
Toilet humour was the order of the day as one of the most stressful and confining experiences of my life began!
We discovered the wonders of wellies.
With random heatwaves and bouts of frostiness, we met a CBeebies hero.
My baby became a little boy as testosterone kicked in, in an astounding and upsetting way.
The celebrations for Christmas started with a big weekend party.
What one event would you pick to sum up your 2011?