Both my husband and I are fortunate enough that our mums saved our most favourite and timeless toys, which are currently residing in boxes in the attic. For hubby it was because his mother passed over the decision about what he wanted to get rid of or keep, from my mum it was because she wanted me to be able to pass them on to my children to play with.
Hmm, do you think The Boy will want daddy's Meccano or mummy's Flower Fairies?
The Boy's daddy is looking forward to the age when he is old enough to play with Meccano (so am I secretly, because I was always more of a tomboy) but that day is stil a year or two off in all honesty. Meccano do a fabulous range of 5+ Meccano including Build and Play, Construction and Rescue Team, and offered to send a set out to me for review. I was only too happy to accept as I have a five year old nephew who loves making things but hasn't encountered Meccano yet.