- I am rather good at painting pirates. I've found a way of making the pink butterflies not quite so pink, and that robots are quite a challenging thing to paint onto a fidgety five-year old's face. Especially when he's got snot pouring down from his grimy nose. Yes, I was stuck at my school-fayre on the face-painting stall.
- All these mummy-bloggers that I tweet with regularly have faces, and more importantly bodies! Apparently, some of them have voices too.
- The organisers of CyberMummy11 are very clever women to pull together such a massive event and draw in so many amazing brands as sponsors. The pictures of the bloggers with all their goody-bags are tantalising.
- As with every group situation in life there are an awful lot of lovely people out there who are genuinely interested in meeting other people. Unfortunately, just as in the 6th form common room, there are those who think they are the 'cool crew' and therefore don't need to socialise or be polite to the remainder of the social group. In reality, these people are far from cool and are actually thought of as arses.
- Tissues are a prerequisite, as are Starbucks in a can and additional lunch supplements.
- Nearly everyone had a fantastic time in one way or another (apart from me *sob*).
- Actually despite my bravado crap from a few months ago where I stated that it would be too like sitting in an INSET for me, I did really want to go and was just a scaredy cat about being able to find a sponsor and meeting new people.