Where Has He Gone?

So today has been the first time that The Boy has been looked after by anyone other me, Mr. TheBoyandMe or my mother. It has been a monumental moment for me, not so much for anyone else, or it seems, for The Boy. Today, he started in playgroup.

Last night I dreamt that people were trying to take him from me, that they were trying to prove that I was unfit to be his mum. I slept fitfully as a result. Luckily, The Boy chose last night to have terrible teething pain and as a result he ended up in bed with us, so I was able to hold him and reassure myself that he wasn't going anywhere.

We've led up to this point by reading him a personalised 'Peppa Pig & The Boy start at playgroup' book, and last night he argued with daddy that he didn't want to build blocks in playgroup (like the him in the book) but that he wanted to paint. Result! This morning I explained to him that he would be staying there and playing with Little Miss Chatty (his friend) while I did shopping. I showed him his bag and explained that he needed to ask the ladies if he needed the loo.

I don't know why I was worried. He confidently strode into playgroup, looked around for Little Miss Chatty (who wasn't there yet) and started playing with the easel. I told him I was going shopping, kissed him and was kicked out politely by the nursery nurses.

I went shopping. I sat in Starbucks for twenty minutes. I checked my phone every thirty seconds. I came home and wrote a blog-post. I rushed out the door and raced into the building to pick him up. The Boy, was helping the ladies to stack the chairs and move them. When he saw me, he ran across the hall with the biggest smile on his face and leapt into my arms. We had an enormous cuddle while they reassured me that he'd only cried when his bike wobbled, he'd asked to go to toilet and had been a good boy who'd had a marvellous time.

When did this boy…

…become this one?

Toy Genius: Cows On The Farm Jigsaw (A Review)

Surely by now, even complete strangers know how much I adore the wooden toy shop, ToyJeanius?

We've been incredibly fortunate to have been sent a wide variety of toys by my favourite independent toy shop to review, and just before Christmas The Boy was lucky enough to be sent this beautiful jigsaw puzzle:

Les vaches à la ferme (or 'The Cows on the Farm' to you and me) is a beautifully illustrated and colourful jigsaw by the brilliant Djeco, who make traditional and timeless puzzles with a modern spin on them. This puzzle is no different, as the box is in the shape of a Daisy moo-cow containing the sturdy 24-piece puzzle inside.

The puzzle is 16"x12" in size, with each of the pieces measuring approximately 2.5" across. The chunky size of the pieces means that they are easy to handle and manipulate, and are able to contain a significant section of the final picture on it, making it easier to complete.

The high-gloss, colourful puzzle contains a farmyard scene, not just of the titular cows but also pigs, ducks, chickens, birds, a cat and a dog. Most of the animals are grouped together which makes it easy to find the pieces and join them up, plus it makes discussion afterwards a lot easier. And we do discuss it, a lot. There's so much going on in the picture that it would be hard not to! The Boy's favourite part of this puzzle is counting the animals afterwards, and as there are different and increasing amounts of the various animals it allows for his numerical skills to be developed with ease.


  • Co-ordination
  • Problem-solving and logical thinking
  • Numeracy
  • Literacy (positional language and oracy)
  • Fun!

At £9.95 this is a quality jigsaw to stand the test of time, and would make a beautiful gift for someone.

I'm a Toyjeanius toy genius

Readers of TheBoyandMe can get a 10% discount by entering the code 'TheBoyandMe' at the checkout.

We were sent this jigsaw for the purpose of the review. Our opinions are honest and unbiased.

The Gender Issue

When I had a son, I thought 'hurrah, no hormonal issues to deal with!'


While there won't be a monthly warzone to contend with come teenage years, there is still the surges in testosterone, and it seems from recent events, that the first one has started.

Last night, as if by a stroke of good luck (either that or The Baby Centre have read my blog and seen that he's having a touch of the wolly-coddles, which let's face it is unlikely) there appeared an e-mail in my inbox which highlighted that the differences between boys and girls were becoming more apparent as our infants progress. It seems two and a half is a prime time for these difference to start manifesting themselves and they gave some background information and top tips, some of which I want to try and follow, and therefore share with you!

I'm not one to indoctrinate The Boy into typical male behaviour; he's always had a baby to help him to understand how to be kind and caring, and now with the PlayMobil house we've had to review (more about that in another post) he's acting out our lives in order to comprehend them. Daddy and he play football in the garden together, but that's as macho as it gets.

Apparently, male babies are born with as much testosterone as a 25-yr old man! This then plummets until puberty. Testosterone is responsible for developing some areas of the brain and neural connections and surpressing some others. Male and female brains develop in different ways, with males developing deeper emotions, such as fear. I wonder if this might explain the separation anxiety that he sometimes experiences?

Tips for Raising a Well-Rounded Boy

  • Give him some responsibility: He's always asking if he can help me, so I get him to pass me the pegs or
  • Let him show his emotions: Well, that's not a problem at the moment is it?! He's allowed to cry, be hurt and show his feelings. I don't want an emotionally stunted son, his future wife will not thank me for it.
  • Let him develop his nurturing side: The other day he chose to play with a toy highchair and feed the baby. I don't have a problem with this, he's in tune with the needs of others.
  • Introduce him to music: Well that's why the piano was bought seven years ago when neither of us can play. I want him to have a sense of accomplishment and enjoy making music.

Food for thought!


Tuesday 29th November 2011 – 'Gone' (332/365)

That's it, the last one gone.

And it makes me really sad. It's been in the cupboard unused for the past month or two, ever since the last sickness bout. He was only having two ounces at bedtime anyway and the intention was to switch to a tippy-cup but then we had to withdraw dairy from his diet for a week and never went back to giving him milk at bedtime. 

I said toMr. TheBoyandMe that I wished I'd been able to video him having his milk one last time because the look on his face was such a delight; he really enjoyed his bottles and the little baby grunts as he guzzled were gorgeous. Today after he woke up he called for milk over the monitor. I thought, 'this is an opportunity for one last time'. He took one look at the bottle and asked whose it was, was it a baby bottle. And then… he couldn't suck the milk out, he'd lost the technique. I tranferred it to a tippy cup and binned the bottle.

Bye-bye babyhood!


Yesterday I went to one of my toddler group's coffee sessions in a house that I've not been to before. The host mum just so happens to have been in the same secondary school as me, but a few years below, and it's been strange meeting up with her again. She has four fabulous children and is a marvellous mum, I've asked her advice many a time since the beginning of the summer holidays.

Chatting to her, we discussed The Boy's growing need to assert his authority and display of emotions (terrible twos? My child? Never! Ha!) and she was explaining that around this age, or just before they hit the age of three, they have their first surge of testosterone. Apparently, it's recommended that they spent as much time as possible with their father to a) have the male influence rubbed off on them, and b) be put back into their place like pack animals trying to assert themselves as the alpha-male.

I found this really interesting and thought about it all day. He has become more 'trying' lately, and I know that it's the stage of development. I know he's finding growing independence and confidence, this is apparent as he will now talk to anyone telling them "I'm (his name) and this is mummy!" or "Hello lady, what's your name?". I also know that he's becoming overwhelmed with a rush of hormones and emotions, so that when he's told 'no' it becomes the most traumatic event in the world and he will often have a mini-paddy resulting in tears. He becomes confused by this, if I ask him why he's crying he will tell me through the tears "I don't know" and try valiantly to stop it. I hold him close, wipe his face and kiss his tears away. With the odd occasional paddy, I've sat him on the sofa as a 'time-out' spot and had to walk away to breathe and remember that he is only a child, and I'm the adult.

Rewinding to the coffee session, The Boy picked up a toy rifle and brought it over to me on the sofa. He asked me what it was and I told him that it was a not-nice toy and he wouldn't be playing with it. Luckily the host wasn't around to be offended, but am I alone in thinking 'I don't want my two year old playing with guns'? I don't want him ever to think that guns are ok, I will never buy or allow a toy-weapon into the house. One of the other mums was sat next to me on the sofa and affirmed my actions by saying she didn't allow them in her house either (and she's a childminder too). It was at this point that The Boy brought over the toy highchair in the room, placed the baby lying on the floor in it and preceeded to feed it a biscuit.

(This is a post in two halves, the above was written last night, below relates to today's antics)

Today, has been a bad day with the hormones. It's not helped by the fact that he's poorly and knackered. If he will wake up at four o'clock and demand to play with the iPod what does he expect? (No, I didn't let him!)

We're both shattered as a result, but it's not helped by these tantrums when he can't get his own way. A friend came over for lunch and took too long leaving. It meant that he was late going to bed and as a result neither of us had any patience. I asked him six times to take his trousers and pants off and sit on the potty. He ignored me so in the end I did it. Which is when it all went pear-shaped. He kicked, screamed, shouted, hit, lashed out and sobbed hysterically. I remained calm telling myself that I am the adult and he is the child. But it's hard when you're little precious bundle is kicking you in the chest as you struggle to get his pull-ups on his moving feet. In the end, I put him in his cot sans clothes and excited the room to sit on the toilet and cry. I didn't, because that would have frightened him even more. When I went back in a minute later, he was astonished and apologetic.

I looked at him and I saw so much: my innocent and placid baby, my clever and inquisitive toddler, and me. I saw me with the teenage rage as I struggled with hormones. Not knowing why I was screaming into my pillow, just knowing that I had to. Only he's two and I don't want that for him. We hugged each other and his sobs subsided.

People talk about girls being hard-work, but no-one warned me about the testosterone! Anything else I need to know?

The Boy Reads…

I'm sure that this is the same as with most toddlers, but when The Boy develops a liking for a book, then it is read over and over again. Tonight (as one of my working days) was my turn for the bedtime routine and I was pleasantly suprised to see that Mr. TheBoyandMe and The Boy have been practising a little pre-reading skills:

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