Today we went to a birthday party. Little Miss Chatty was celebrating her 2nd birthday with soft play and then party food. When I was telling The Boy about this last night, he was able to tell me straight-away that you have cake and 'b(all)oons' at a party. We talked about the fact that there would be a bouncy castle there which he wasn't sure about, and that he'd give her a present.
As it so happened another work colleague was there with her little boy who is slightly older, Mister Rough and Tumble, and The Boy thought he was the best thing since sliced bread! Or since bubbles anyway, he doesn't really have an opinion on sliced bread. He followed him everywhere and had great fun trying to copy everything he did!
After he'd filled his Doodles with party food, we trotted off to Barry Island for half an hour playing in the sand building sand castles. It was a little parky and full of tourists. I think we'll be giving it a wide-berth on weekends until September!