Our weeks are busy. I work part-time and am home on a Monday and a Tuesday, work Wednesday to Friday. Then weekends are filled with us trying to spend time as a family and enjoying each other. It means that we seem to be constantly on the go here, there and everywhere.
Taking part in activities and playgroups is easier now that The Boy is getting older because he's slightly less dependant on a routine with food and naps, there is always leeway with meal times now as long as I don't push it.
One of the things that I always have now in my significantly reduced changebag handbag (along with wetwipes and pants, no nappies anymore) is several snack bars and a couple of boxes of raisins. He rarely asks for the raisins because he always wants to top up on the snack bars. And who can blame him because Organix Goodie bars are delicious. He prefers the raspberry and apple soft oaty bars, and I'm a little partial too. With no salt, processed sugars, colourings or flavourings, you can be assured that they aren't pumping our precious little ones full of nasties.
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