In February of last year I had a discussion with the impish @InceyWinceyMum on twitter about pancakes. We both adore pancake day and were discombobulated to discover that it wasn't until the March. We decided to hold an unofficial one in the February instead, and tried to get others to join in; they didn't! However, we both enjoyed pancakes with ice-cream and a variety of toppings.
This year we had a discussion about pancakes and decided to go for a trial run last week. Only I forgot. So, yesterday we had a practise of pancakes for tomorrow. Mr. TheBoyandMe wanted to know why, I told him 'because' which as far as I'm concerned is a good enough reason. I didn't think 'because I promised @InceyWinceyMum' would work as well.
Spinach and Goat's Cheese Pancake
I added wilted, chopped spinach, seasoning and a small amount of parmesan to half the batter mix. I fried it in unsalted butter as normal, flipped and then added goat's cheese while cooking the underside. Definitely scrummy as it melted into the pancake.
Tomorrow I intend to add a butternut squash and tomato filling to the goat's cheese.
Black Forest Pancakes
To the other half the batter mix, I added Galaxy drinking chocolate and whisked it in. Normal cooking, but served with vanilla ice-cream and cherry-pie filling.
Whatever you have tomorrow, get flipping and enjoy!