366 #3

Welcome to week three of the 366 photo a day project.

I know you're reaching the point where you think you've exhausted your subject material, but you haven't. The weather is grim, it's cold and bleugh outside. You think there's only so many photos of your children playing with lego that you can post, but you're wrong. This is your chance to show the changes in them throughout the year. Take it as an opportunity to do something different. Wrap up warm and get out there; go to the park, the beach, even soft-play if needs be! If you're staying indoors then make something different; do some baking, make a den, have a movie afternoon. Not every photo has to be worthy of David Bailey!

Anyone taking part is welcome to join the Project 366 Facebook group. The fabulous community building up there offer support to those taking part in this photography project, and give much blog love. We've made it a closed group so that not every Tom, Dick or Harry can see the content but if you'd like to join just click the 'ask to join group' button in the top right hand corner of the page.

  1. Choose your favourite photo from the past week and link it up below.
  2. Please add the badge to your linked-up post so that other people know how to find all the other fabulous entries.
  3. If you can spare five minutes to comment on just a few other entries I know they'd appreciate it!
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The Gallery: Eyes

And so to this week's Gallery theme.

Which is simply: Eyes

And because the theme is simple, I'm going to choose a simple photo and let it (mostly) speak for itself. I will just say though that I see a wealth of family members in The Boy's eyes. Sometimes they are big and green-ish like his father's, sometimes they are old and blue like my father's. That was disconcerting when I was breast-feeding!

His heritage, and his future, is in his eyes everytime I look at him.

Now click on the button to see the other entries

366 #2

I was overwhelmed with last week's response; I had no idea that so many of you were doing a Project 366 or Project 52 this year. Keep at it, this first month is the hardest until you build a routine.

There is a Facebook group in order to help support those taking part in this photography project and to help build a sense of community. We've made it a closed group so that not every Tom, Dick or Harry can see the content but if you'd like to join just click the 'ask to join group' button in the top right hand corner of the page.

Choose your favourite photo from the past week and link it up below.

Please add the badge to your linked-up post so that other people know how to find all the other fabulous entries, and if you can spare five minutes to comment on just a few other entries I know they'd appreciate it!

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The Gallery: Phone Photos

Tara has set us a real challenge this week:

This week's theme is: Phone Photos.

The only rule is you have to have taken it on your phone. Doesn't matter what app you use. Camera phones have moved on so much and I've seen some quite stunning photos from these little in-your-pocket devices! So there is never any excuse for now snapping whenever you're out and about.

And while Tara has waxed lyrical about the wonders of Instagram and the camera on her iPhone, I have an HTC Desire. The interface of the phone is amazing. The camera? Horrendous. Really, really awful! Plus, the Android apps for the photography are naff. (Although if someone can point me in the direction of a decent one, I'd appreciate it)

However saying all that, I will share with you some of my favourite photos that I've taken on my rubbish camera-phone. They are unedited because the brief says it has to be done on your phone and I can't find a good app to do that, so here are the raw images:

He's just woken up from a nap and decided that I'd put something I shouldn't have in the laundry basket. Within the next thirty seconds after this photo being taken, he almost fell in!

Look at those knees!

Discovering his shadow for the first time.

One of my favourite camera-phone shots ever: bedhead!

366 #1

Last year, I was pretty much on my own when it came to completing my 365 photography project. Project 365 is not unique to my blog, there are people taking part all over the world. However, I only knew of one other blogger in my circle doing it, aside from that I was a lonely ship in the night with only my Canon EOS 300D and Picnik to guide me home.

When I hit the end of the first month, I found it really difficult to keep going and almost gave up. The weather was lousy and my shots were samey. I needed someone to keep me going and didn't have anyone other than Mr. TheBoyandMe to prod me and point at the camera every day.

The changes in your children (or other subjects) throughout the year are immense, and it is only when you look back through the year's photos that you'll realise how much your little one, and photography, has progressed. The photos you take document their life, and as I am currently in the process of creating my 365 photobook from last year I can see this all too clearly.

This is why I've set up this weekly linky; to provide each other with support, words of encouragement and somewhere for others to appreciate your hard work.

Add the link below to your own favourite 366 photo from the past week, visit other people's 366s (or 52s) and share some appreciation. If you fancy popping the badge on your blog to show community spirit, that's much appreciated. The linky will be open until midnight tonight (Sunday).

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