Competition: Bullying – A Parents' Guide

As a teacher, I try to be vigilant for any tell-tale signs of bullying in school. Nowadays we have training on how to handle any situations that arise, and have a ledger to record any offenses. Bullying is taken very seriously in schools nowadays with whole lessons given over to it and assemblies regularly centred around why it's not ok. The difficulty arises when a child says something once as a mean, flippant comment, and a child grasps the 'B' word out of the air. Teaching children why bullying is wrong also involves teaching them what it is.

Bullying is intentional, directed and repeated behaviour. It is not ok!

Obviously for teachers, we get training on how to handle it and have a wealth of tools and procedures at our disposal to help our pupils. But for parents, it can be just as desperate time as for their children. They can feel just as trapped and helpless.

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How do you perceive me? The 1 Word Meme

This is such an incredibly difficult post to write. Not because it is making me face up to a powerful and traumatic memory, but because it is not in my nature to self-congratulate. Most people are the same.

I discussed this with the Year Four class  that I teach on Thursday mornings in my R.E. lesson. Their task was to identify their most positive personality trait, their 'gift from God'. I warned them that it was difficult, however I was pleasantly surprised how easy they found it to do. Within two minutes we had post-it notes all over the white-board with a range of personal qualities. Some of them were unrepeated: unique, thoughtful, and one child wrote weird; whilst the vast majority of the class opted for caring, kind and helpful. I Found it really interesting that not only do they perceive themselves as that, but that's what they wanted others to see in them.

So if children can do it, why can't adults? I know it's in our nature to be self-deprecating but not this time!

The lovely Michelle over at MummyFromTheHeart has decided that we all need a little positivity and congratulations in our life. As I look out of the window at the dull, grey weather brought to us at this miserable time of year, I am inclined to agree with her that we need a way of lifting out spirits. In the lady's own words (please excuse the editing):

"…an email I received a few years back … was about the power of positive affirmations and how knowing what positive things others think of you can boost your own self-esteem.  It talked of an inspirational teacher who got all her children to write one positive word down to describe the other children in the class and then they had to hand them in.  The teacher then collated all the positive words for each child into a special sheet for them and handed it to them to read and keep.  They learnt that their peers saw them in ways they had never imagined and it had an immense effect on them…

Well, what about if us bloggers and virtual friends did something similar?  How marvellous would we all feel to learn these new facets of ourselves that we did not know existed… If people are kind enough to give us a compliment we should be gracious enough to accept it…. and why not go one step further and actually go out and ask for it?

Well that is what I want us all to do.  I am creating a meme, called the 1 Word Meme and I would love for every one of us to be able to collate all the the positive words left by our real life friends, virtual friends and fellow bloggers so that we each have a sheet of positive affirmations to treasure and boost our self-esteem."

Then she tagged me. I am incapable of saying no to someone if they ask for help or ask me to do something. It comes from my need to be thought positively. Therefore you'd think tagging me would be a good thing, it may affirm my need to be liked. Here's the killer though, <shhh> what if no-one likes me enough to respond? (Excuse me while I hyperventilate a second).

So here's what you have to do:

– Just write one word in the comments box below to finish this sentence off (and please be nice, or I might cry)

TheBoyandMe is…

And because this is a meme I have to tag people and challenge them to do the same. So I challenge you:

Please be kind to me.

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