Days 202-208 of Project 365

202-208 of 265

202. Fave Food (Massively contrived! MASSIVELY! However, The Boy decided to climb a tree at Westonbirt Arboretum so that he didn't become The Gruffalo's fave food!)

203. Grey (This colourful photo was taken to try and lift my grey mood after a rubbish INSET day where I ran around doing things for everyone else and achieved nothing for myself. Additionally, the end-of-year tiredness kicked in and I was exhausted and very melancholy.)

204. I Drew This! (Welcome to the family TBaM! I am so proud of him for this, I think it's brilliant.)

205. D Is For… (Danger! He does this funny little hopping up from behind thing onto the swing, only he planted his feet on the seat and stood up instead! Eeeek!)

206. Ground (We met an old friend up at the clifftop park with her one year old son. She was late and so while we waited The Boy had a swinging conversation with the ten year old boy next to him. The Boy won, which I was quite proud of, and cast some beautiful shadows on the ground as he was swinging.)

207. The Everyday (The temperature of the day started off quite mild, but after a phone from nursery at 8.30 to ask me to bring him in earlier than I normally do as they were going for a walk that morning, I ended up hot and bothered, rushing around. I got hom at 10.15 and then managed to settle down to have some breakfast and do some school work. Once I'd picked him up from nursery, we popped into Parc Play for an hour or so during which time the temperature soared to 28°C. We came home, borrowed a pump from a friend and blew up his new paddling pool. This sunshine photo is the everyday at the moment.)

208. Black + White (It's pouring down today, which is fine because the garden really needs it, but the world is a little bit grey and monochrome today. We also need a break from all the amazing outdoor play we've had; sometimes you just need a 'chill out and do nothing' day. Definitely a day for some work on pre-writing skills.)

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

Days 160-166 of Project 365

160-166 of 365

160. Ground Force! (Little did The Boy know that the groundwork that he and daddy were doing on Sunday was for the area that his climbing frame – his birthday present – is destined for. We've done some relocation work of some fairly permanent features to accommodate the frame, this area used to be a patio which housed his Little Tikes house.)

161. Retro (The four eyebrows and tongue of concentration make a reappearance in this photo. I'd bought him one of those snake twisty things (that could make telephones and balls and stuff) that were all the rage in the 80s and he was absolutely fascinated with it.)

162. Shadow (Today was one of those deceptive days where it seemed mild and cloudy, yet when the wind blew the clouds away, the heat was extradordinary. We had to do a lot of shopping for his birthday party and as he'd been such a good boy we went up to the clifftop park. It's very peaceful up there looking over the Bristol Channel, and the skies cleared to reveal a scorching heat and the most amazing late-afternoon shadows.)

163. Surprise! (The Boy's birthday! Unfortunately I had to work, as did Mr. TBaM. This is a new one for us on The Boy's birthday as I'm usually off work, Mr. TBaM takes the day off and we have a family treat day out somewhere, but not this year and it made me sad. However, I raised home from work and we led The Boy into the garden with his eyes covered by his woolly hat. This photo was taken the very moment that he whipped it off to reveal his birthday present; a climbing frame.)

164. Adventurer (The climbing frame is going to play a huge part in our play I suspect! His confidence has grown in just one day from slowly stumbling from one rung to another of the jungle run, to walking over and barely holding on!)

165. Monkey Boy (I wondered when he'd discover the monkey bar aspect to the jungle run, it seems it was to be today. He's swinging from a single bar, he can't move himself onto the next rung yet, but he is enjoying hooking his legs over the frame – to take the weight – and moving his hands along to the next rung. He's certainly building his technique though.)

166. Blow (Today was the big day, The Boy's Pirate Party. Up to goodness knows what time last night baking a cake, decorating it at 7.30 this morning, running around like a blue-arsed fly all morning, and it all paid off as the party went brilliantly. It did rain for the first hour, but stopped and brightened during lunch. They were able to get outside and play – on the climbing frame – once the birthday cake had happened.)

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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