And so this week's theme from the towering inferno that is Tara is:
Something I Am Proud Of.
It can be a person, something you've created, a photograph you've taken, a time in your life you're proud of, an achievement, your home, your car, your kids.
At a time when there is an awful lot of bad news emitting from whatever media you choose to watch/read, it's time to look closer to home and appreciate the things we have.
So show us all what you're proud of and let's lift this gloom.
As I rapidly approach my first bloggoversary, I contemplated a snapshot of my blog but decided that was too much like tempting fate for me. Instead I am going with this image:
Now before you assume it's another cute picture of my son (which of course it is), read the writing on his chest.
The Boy has really good manners, I mean really good.
He always says 'pwese' and 'thank you'. Always! And it's not something that we've had to teach him, he just says them without prompting, without reminding, without chastising. He has obviously just picked it up from hearing those around him asking politely for things, and it highlights to me how important it is to watch what is said in front of children because they learn through osmosis.
Recently, his confidence has soared and he is now no longer so shy around strangers. He's perfectly happy to start chatting to cashiers in the supermarket, the vicar at the playgroup I'm considering enrolling him in, the old dear who stops and admires him. "Huwwo lady, how are you today?" or "Huwwo, what's your name?" (learnt from aforementioned vicar) are regular phrases coming from his mouth.
And it makes me smile, to see his growing confidence, his friendliness, his courtesy and caring attitude coming forward. It gives me a little inkling of the man that he will one day be.